General Surgery in Adyar

General Surgery in Adyar

Medical Surgery Services in Adyar

Newer surgical techniques like skin grafting and cell transplantation has given excellent treatment outcome in resistant stable cases with no tendency to spread. The tiny bits of normal skin or the seperated cell suspension is transplanted into the white patches to spread the pigment cells. Hair follicle transplantation is the latest novel modality with amazing results even in long standing vitiligo. Various surgical techniques are

  • Ultra thin skin grafting : the skin grafts are obtained from gluteal skin/ thighs / arms and placed in the vitiligo patch after dermabrasion
  • Melanocyte cell suspension technique: the grafts are processed in the lab with appropriate settings and the melanocytes suspension is meticulously prepared. The transplantation is done on the dermabraded vitiligo patches.
  • Follicular melanocyte cell suspension: the melanocytes are obtained from the outer root sheath of hair follicles and transplanted

The procedure is done as a day care procedure and follow up is required at regular intervals.